
           общеобразовательное учреждение


              общеобразовательная школа"





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At the mouth of the Volga River, between two canals lies the small village Kryazheva. Just a few huts built of reeds and clay. there was no school. And September 1, 1929 opened the first school.

It was located in a large dug-out of two rooms. It was the former home of the Baptist. The first teacher Timofeeva Raisa Alexandrovna took the first disciples. In 1934 he came with his family Rozanova Olga. She became head of Kryazhevinskoy elementary school, and the teachers of the vortex and a young Armenian woman named uchitelnitsa- Kassya.V 1940 our school was placed all in the same dugout, worked in 2 shifts. war years were difficult. There was a shortage of textbooks, writing in the newspaper had bumage.V 1953 was opened a seven-year school in the same year under the school building gave former club. The first director of the school was administered Pisarev Nina Vasilyevna, as the first teachers were just graduated from Teacher Training Institute Kurdyukova (Kukushkin) Raisa G., D. Kaleria Ignatov, Maria Konovalova Semyonovna. Then he was appointed director of the school Sergey Donskoy, a member of the Second World War. In 1954 the school principal was Musorin Veniamin Fedorovich, in 1963 Bukaev Kuzma Petrovich.V 1967 became director of the school to work Tarasova Ruziya Abrashovna. She worked for 35 years director of the school, in its place came Alexander Lyapin, who worked at the school director until October 2008goda. On the first of December 2008, the Director Natalia A. Savenkov works. The new school building was built in 1974.



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